Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What if the selected date of the Requester overlaps with another Booking or Schedule?

There are three cases where this may happen and what can (or cannot) the Requester do. These are the following:

CASE #1: The Booking is still Pending

Since the Booking is not yet approved (Gray Calendar Tile), the requester can still make a booking request that overlaps with its timeslot. However, if one of them got approved, the other one (and all of the overlapping requests) will automatically be rejected.

CASE #2: The Booking was already Approved

If your selected date and time overlaps with an Approved Booking (Green Calendar Tile), the request will not be submitted.

CASE #3: Schedule

If your selected date and time overlaps with a Scheduled Class (Maroon Calendar Tile), the request will not be submitted.

How will I know if my booking request has been approved or rejected?

If an Approver has already processed your request, you will immediately receive an email about its status. You can also check the status of your request in the Bookings Page.

Can we use mobile devices to access ROOMS?

Yes. However, it is not recommended yet as the current pages of ROOMS are only optimized for PC/Desktop use. Accessing ROOMS using mobile devices may cause the pages to behave differently than intended.

If there was an error with the details of my booking request, can I still edit it?

Yes. As long as the booking is not yet processed, you can modify the details by clicking the calendar tile or clicking the edit button in the bookings page.

How can I attach files such as room setup in my booking request?

Upload your file in Google Drive and make sure to give viewing access to UP Email users. Then, copy the link and paste it in the AttachFile field of your booking request.

Can I delete an approved booking in case the event was canceled?

Yes. This will also automatically notify the college Approver.

[UPLOADER] Can I upload multiple CSV Files for a term?

Yes. This is to allow Uploaders to upload schedules by batch.

[UPLOADER] Can I assign multiple Faculty in one schedule?

Yes. You can input multiple Faculty if the subject is Team Taught. Make sure to input their respective emails as well so that the subject will be tagged to all of them and will be displayed in their Schedule Page.

[APPROVER] Do we follow the First-Come-First-Served procedure when approving bookings?

Not necessarily as it is still up to your discretion or the policies within your college. Timestamps are still displayed for you to know who requested first. You can also make use of the Remarks feature and inform the requester about your approval/rejection.